Passive U.S., Non-U.S., and Global Index Strategies Search RFP

Proposal Submittal Deadline: November 9, 2021 4:00 p.m. PT


The Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System (LACERS) administers an investment portfolio with approximately $23 billion in assets.  LACERS is seeking one or more investment managers to manage its current portfolio of passive strategies as well as provide additional passive investment strategy options for possible future investment needs.  LACERS will consider separately managed and commingled fund strategies.  Emerging Managers (as defined by LACERS’ Emerging Investment Manager Policy) are encouraged to participate in this search. 

Passive U.S., Non-U.S., and Global Index Strategies - RFP Search

Exhibit 6 Passive U.S., Non-U.S., and Global Index Strategies Questionnaire

2021 Q-A on Passive Index Strategies RFP

LACERS Multi Passive Data Collection


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