Medical Premium Reimbursement Program (MPRP)


LACERS Medical Premium Reimbursement Program (MPRP) is intended for use by retirees who live outside of the coverage areas of LACERS-sponsored medical plans, or outside California but within the United States and its territories.

Under this program, LACERS may reimburse a retiree up to the amount of the retiree’s monthly medical subsidy for medical premiums they pay out-of-pocket to a federally-qualified HMO or State-regulated non-LACERS medical plan. If the medical plan does not include vision insurance or Medicare Part D (prescription coverage), the retiree may also be reimbursed for these.

Any Member who receives a rebate due to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for any portion of his/her medical plan premium that was reimbursed by LACERS under the MPRP is required to report the rebate to LACERS and provide documentation as to the amount that was reimbursed.

More information about this program may be found in the below publications:

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