Medical Premium Reimbursement Program (MPRP)

Medical Premium Reimbursement Program (MPRP)


If you live outside of a LACERS California HMO service area, or outside California but within the United States and its territories, MPRP could help you pay the premium of your chosen plan with your LACERS medical subsidy. You can participate in this program if you are an eligible Retiree or an eligible survivor.

Members enrolled in MPRP purchase their own insurance directly from an authorized federally-qualified HMO or state-regulated non-LACERS plan and are reimbursed quarterly up to the amount of their maximum monthly Medical Subsidy.

If you are interested in MPRP, contact LACERS for an MPRP Information Packet.

More information may be found:

MPRP Reimbursement Schedule

Coverage Period Claim Form
Received by LACERS
Reimbursement Sent By
January 1 – March 31 April 15 May 31
April 1 – June 30 July 15 August 31
July 1 – September 30 October 15 November 30
October 1 – December 31 January 15 February 28

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