In order to help you better understand the different codes
on your LACERS retirement benefit paystubs, we have provided
the following explanation of terms for your
*Please refer to the sample paystub shown here, which
contains numbered entries that correspond to the terms
listed below.
1. Annuity
The portion of a Member’s monthly retirement benefit payment that
is paid from their own retirement contributions and interest made
during employment. This is calculated in accordance with the
retirement benefit formula.
2. Pension
The portion of a Member’s monthly retirement benefit payment that
comes from City contributions. It is the remaining balance that
is payable to the retiree on account of his or her service that
is not covered by the contributions and interest on deposit at
A cost-of-living adjustment determined annually by LACERS’ Board
of Administration which increases a Member’s monthly retirement
allowance. For more information on COLAs, please
4. ERIP Reduction
The required 1% that employees pay to cover the cost of the ERIP,
as referenced in the LACAC Section 4.1033.
5. DRO Reduction
A reduction applied to a Member’s monthly retirement allowance
due to a Domestic Relations Order from the court.
6. Benefit Underpay Adj.
A one-time credit to a Member’s monthly retirement allowance.
Contact LACERS for details.
7. Benefit Overpay Adj.
A one-time debit to a Member’s monthly retirement allowance.
Contact LACERS for details.
8. Taxable Hlth Sub Adj.
A one-time adjustment. The portion of your medical subsidy used
to provide Health Insurance Coverage to non-tax dependents.
A non-tax dependent is someone you cannot claim on your
federal income tax return.
9. Fed. Income Tax W/H
A deduction that goes toward Federal Income tax. For more
information on Federal taxes, please visit
10. State Income Tax W/H
A deduction that goes toward State Income tax. For more
information on state taxes, please visit
11. Federal Tax Levy
A levy authorized and assessed by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
to collect delinquent tax.
12. Taxable Health Subsidy
The taxable portion of a Member’s medical subsidy used to provide
Health Insurance Coverage to non-tax dependents. A non-tax
dependent is someone you cannot claim on your federal
income tax return.
13. Medi Part B Reimb.
A reimbursement paid to a Member for their Medicare Part B basic
premium payment. For more information on Medicare, please
14. Medi Part B Reimb. Adj
A deduction made for overpayment of previous Medicare Part B
15. Medical Prem. Reimb.
A quarterly credit for participants in the Medical Premium
Reimbursement Program (MPRP). For more information on MPRP,
please visit
16. Health & Dental Deduct.
A deduction that pays the portion of your health insurance
premium and dental insurance premium not covered by your health
17. Health Ins. Defrayal
A refund for Anthem Blue Cross medical plan enrollees when there
are accumulated excess premium dollars after claims have been
18. Health Ins. Overpay
Repayment of Health Insurance Coverage premiums previously paid
or Medicare non-compliant premiums previously charged.
19. Health Ins. Underpay
A deduction to collect money due to LACERS for Health Insurance
Coverage. Contact LACERS for details.
20. Prepaid Health Prem.
A deduction from a prepaid balance made by the Member to
cover the remaining amount of health plan premium costs when
the health subsidy and monthly allowance are not sufficient to
cover the full cost.
21. Child Support
A required deduction to pay for an active child support court
22. Spousal Support
A deduction to pay for a spousal court order.
23. Student Loan
A deduction to pay an existing student loan.
24. Disability Loan
A deduction to pay an outstanding disability loan.
25. Benefit Overpay Collect.
A deduction from a Member’s paycheck to adjust for a larger
benefit amount paid previously.
Modifying and/or Stopping Member Elected
Please contact the organizations listed below directly to
modify and/or stop deductions from your monthly retirement
26. All City Employees Benefits Service Association (ACEBSA)
27. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME Chapter 36)
28. Firefighter’s First Credit Union
29. LA City Employee Association
30. Los Angeles Federal Credit Union
31. Retired Los Angeles City Employees Inc.
32. Service Employees International Union (SEIU Local 721)