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LACERS Active Members April Update


The Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System (LACERS) undergoes regular review by its actuary. This year’s review has been completed and all pertinent tables have been updated and will take effect on July 1, 2021. All Active Members considering retiring prior to June 30, should create an estimate in their MyLACERS account or request one via our main office line to determine what impact, if any, the table updates may have on their retirement allowance. 


Online Retirement Application Portal

Learn More

Introducing the Online Retirement Application Portal

You are now able to apply and complete the entire retirement process online, from the comfort of your own home, using a safe and secure portal.  Below are a few details you should know so that you will be prepared to use the portal!


COVID-19 Vaccine & Booster Availability

Free COVID-19 vaccines are available to everyone age 5 and older.

Free COVID-19 booster vaccines are available to everyone age 16 and older.

Click here to schedule your appointment at myturn.ca.gov or contact your health care provider.

We invite you to share this information with your friends and family.

Lacers Well - Email

LACERS Well Calendar of Events

Join us for Upcoming LACERS Well Events!


Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.

Learn how to stay active, connected, and improve your overall well-being through this FREE program that is available to Anthem Blue Cross, SCAN Health Plan, and UnitedHealthcare plan members. Learn more here.


LACERS Active Members March Update


In solidarity with all communities who have been targeted with acts of violence based on one’s race or perceived race, nationality, gender, disability or sexual orientation.

Please take a moment to read an important message from LACERS here.

Paycheck Flyer

Retiree March 2021 Paycheck Flyer

Update your address

Keep Your Address Up to Date With LACERS

Did you change your place of residence recently or plan to in the near future? If so, make sure you complete and submit a Change of Address form found at lacers.org/forms to ensure you continue to receive your retirement benefit and Member communications materials in a timely manner.

Lacers Well - Email

LACERS Well Calendar of Events

Join us for Upcoming LACERS Well Events!


Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 2:00-3:30 p.m. PST
Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 2:00-3:30 p.m. PST

The LACERS Well team, along with Mom’s Computer, has scheduled monthly classes to help Members navigate the changing technology landscape, offer tips on using different devices, and more. Click here for more details.


LACERS Active Members February Update

Submitting a Retirement Application

Are you planning to submit a retirement application in the near future? LACERS’ website, lacers.org, has helpful information that can make your retirement process as smooth as possible. Click here to learn more about what is needed during the retirement process, or click here to access the retirement application forms. 

Paycheck Flyer

Retiree February 2021 Paycheck Flyer

Annual Notice of Right to Elect or Revoke Federal Income Tax Withholding 

You have the right to change your Federal income tax withholding. For 2021, if you receive less than an amount of $25,200 in taxable LACERS benefit payments, you are not required to elect Federal income tax withholding. However, keep in mind that the potential of up to 3% Annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in July 2021 may increase your income beyond the annual limit.

A. If you choose NOT to make changes to your current withholding:


Newest LACERS Well Newsletter is Here!

Winter 2021 Edition Now Available

Wellness Newsletter cover

The Winter 2021 edition of the LACERS Well newsletter is ready to view here on the LACERS website! In its pages you’ll find ways to give back to your community, stay connected virtually, manage stress in a positive way, and more. Printed versions of the newsletter will be arriving through the mail next week.


LACERS Well February Calendar of Events

Let’s get through this together. The pandemic has challenged us physically and mentally. Join us for February Wellness Events designed to help all of us handle these challenging times. LACERSWell

Register for any of the listed events online through your MyLACERS account here. If you do not have a MyLACERS account, you may call LACERS at (800) 779-8328. If you need assistance with registration, you may send an email to LacersWell@lacers.org


LACERS Active Members January Update

Happy new year

LACERS’ General Manager New Years Message

On behalf of LACERS, happy new year! Hopefully you have had a prosperous start to 2021. Take a moment to read a new year’s message from LACERS’ General Manager, Neil Guglielmo, available here.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Do you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine? LACERS has put together information and resources regarding the vaccine, available here

Paycheck Flyer

Retiree January 2021 Paycheck Flyer

Open enrollment

There’s Still Time: Open Enrollment Continues Until March 31

LACERS’ Extended Open Enrollment period will end on March 31, 2021. This means that you still have an opportunity to review and make changes to your medical and dental plans for the 2021 Plan year.

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